he insights provided v enabled these companies and organizations to gain a better insight into their customers and members and to engage with the core individuals they want to communicate with through their advertising and brand positioning.itioning.
ValuesAdded+ is powered by Cultural Dynamics, so who are they?
Cultural Dynamics is a business consultancy service which straddles the line between academic and commercial. Since 1973 they have surveyed over 60% of the world’s population in search of the fundamental values which drive all of human behaviour.
The data is based on over 50 years of international research and over 40 years of British research and is conducted through representative surveys of each country’s population. In 2016 their Euro-Values survey measured over 900 different assessment scales on over 10,000 representative adults in 5 countries. These surveys consist of 216 “Core Values Questions” and deliver 108 separate attributes used to group the respondents into three core categories - Settlers, Prospectors & Pioneers.
To deliver these conclusions Cultural Dynamics use 6 Values Based Segmentation Systems:
These systems are entirely unique to Cultural Dynamics and have been utilised by organisations across the globe including:
The insights provided have enabled these companies to gain valuable data demonstrably helping to engage with the core individuals they want to communicate with through their advertising and brand positioning.
The key assessment tool is called Values Modes™
“Over the last 30 years, an ongoing body of social survey research has tracked and forecasted the changing values, beliefs and motivations of the British population. Using the responses to over 1000 questions, we have developed a typology that explains the dynamics of personal, market and cultural changes. This typology has been directly tested, analysed and applied in over 30 countries across the world on every continent, except Antarctica(!)
The typology is called Values ModesTM.
The Values Modes categorize people into 12 discrete psychographic types. Each group represents between 7% and 12% of the population aged 15 years and over. The categorization is based on the responses to a short questionnaire using Likert scales which can be used in any piece of research and is easy to administer face-to-face, by telephone or on-line.
The 12 Values Modes - the VMs (pronounced "vims") - form a psychographic classification system based on individuals' Values sets. By the term "Values", we mean that nest of beliefs and motivations - largely subconscious - that underpin our attitudes to everything we encounter.
The VMs help answer the question of WHY people do the things and make the choices that they do.
This is a valuable understanding in itself but Cultural Dynamics takes this to a new level through its understanding of the dynamics of change that operate through the VMs. These changes, which occur at the level of the individual, aggregate in the population over time to form significant changes in organizational and societal (cultural) values.” - http://www.cultdyn.co.uk/
Rooted in 40 years of research by world leader in Values profiling Cultural Dynamics Strategy & Marketing Ltd (CDSM) and constructed specifically for the recruitment market, each of our Reports will enable the recruiter to ‘meet’ the person behind the CV - to understand the nest of beliefs and motivations that drive their behaviour.